
PubPub Platform

Our open-source technology for creating full-stack knowledge infrastructure for communities of all types.


A space for rapid invention and exploration, advancing knowledge infrastructure and empowering our communities.


A collaborative relationship for us to serve a wide range of organizations.


Learn more about Knowledge Futures — our story, our team & other updates.
We work with partners to take them from prototype to functional MVP, and all the way up the stack to a [
fully scalable
] robust knowledge production platform scoped to their specific needs and use case.

How we work /
Theory of Innovation

We believe that making information useful is an iterative and collaborative process that is unique for every community. By building common infrastructure to address shared needs, we deliver tailored solutions more quickly and affordably than bespoke alternatives.
Theory of Innovation visual
Our approach allows for rapid development from prototype to MVP to full-stack knowledge infrastructure, ensuring nimbleness and scalability, and ultimately reducing hosting costs and the need for dedicated maintenance teams.